M A R I O N    R U M P            Mediales Heilen


On the 27th of February 2011 a TV show reporting on Marion's work was broadcasted by the German TV channel RTL.

The TV show was called “Spirits, God and Firm Belief – Miracle Healing?“ and you can find the link related to the show on RTL.


About Marion Rump

Marion Rump is a spiritual healer, health practitioner and medium. For many years Marion Rump has been healing and counselling people and is also running seminars and training groups in the range of healing and spiritual development.

The relaxed and one another complementing cooperation of energetic healing methods and scientific medicine are of especial concern to Marion Rump.


Marion Rump will also be giving consultations in Mallorca.


Healing treatments

The field of application for spiritual healing treatments ranges from the protection of health up to integral treatments of acute and chronic diseases and pain conditions.

In addition to personal consultations I also offer group, couple and family consultations.


Initial consultation including healing treatment: 100, - €  

Follow-up treatment: 50, - €



Spiritual counselling

In addition to healing treatments I also offer mediumistic counselling regarding questions on the patients own life.

The contact with the spiritual worlds is often very touching and helpful for a lot of people. Depending on the concern, many impulses and practical advice will be given for the current life situation.

Mediumistic counselling (90 Min.):                                   100, - €